(250) 465-1245 colin@governance.ca

Five Lessons From Five Years

What We’ve Learned about Governance Time flies when you’re up to your elbows in bylaws and Board meetings! Five years ago, The Governance Group set out with a mission: to help nonprofit organizations build better governance. We knew there’d be challenges, but we’ve...

Attributes of Highly Effective Boards

Why Some Boards Succeed and Others Struggle What makes some Boards truly stand out? It’s a question that many in the world of governance have asked – particularly those with Boards striving to reach the next level. Whether you’re a professional working directly with...

Governing Principles

How does a board decide what is acceptable for it to do and what is not? The answer is “governing principles.” But what are governing principles? Governing principles are the rules a board develops and agrees upon to guide and control how it will govern. They are...